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Guy Warpness


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Shawn Faxon

Vice Chairman

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Zoe Curtright


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Brooke Willis


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Jessica Harper

Concessions Chair

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Kelly Wolfe

Downtown Co-chair

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Linda Baker

Hospitality Co-Chair

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Laura Dory

Hospitality Co-Chair

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Dustin Richards

Legal Counsel

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Jaime Stine

Marketing Chair

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Carrie King

Parade Chair

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Myron Hales

Rodeo Chair

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Holly Kennedy

Royalty Chair

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Joe Brannan

Security & Parking Chair

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David Hansen

Sponsorship Co-chair

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Francesca Cocco

Volunteer Chair

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Robin Riegel

Sponsorship Co-chair

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Jessica Romero

Ticket Chair


PO Box 1271
Laramie, WY 82073

General Contact Form
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